High Risk Merchant Account for E-cigarette and Vape Business

E-cigarettes typically contain nicotine (as well as other additives in the e-juice), as it is usually used as an alternative to smoking. Further, there are large concerns to whether e-cigarettes pose health risks. Regulations and laws are still changing and forming, thus, e-cigarette businesses are generally considered as a type of “high risk” merchant. It is especially high risk when vendors are selling over the Internet (ecommerce ecig vendors).
E-cigarette vendors of any type should consider contacting a high risk merchant account provider to increase their chances of being able to accept credit cards. Looking for a merchant account for your retail or online shop? For a free consultation, contact us at 1-800-930-4476 to learn how we can help your vape business get started with accepting credit cards (or making the switch for better rates and service). It’s best to go with a provider who understands your business, and we certainly do!