What makes a business high risk? If you’ve been classified as a high-risk business or a high risk merchant, and you’re not sure why, there are multiple reasons why you might be classified under this label. The most important thing to...
A merchant account or a high-risk merchant account are important tools for any business that is selling products or services. They perform the same tasks and provide similar services, such as processing credit cards. The difference is that some...
Any merchant who wishes to allow their customers to pay with a credit card needs a merchant account. However, some merchants may be classified as “high-risk,” and this can make finding a credit card processing company who will take your business...
Some businesses are classified as high-risk businesses with a greater chance of being the victim of fraud. Businesses with a high turnover and large amounts of sales tend to be considered high risk. If your business falls into this category, you...
Not sure if you’re a high risk merchant? Do you have questions about high risk merchant services? Contact us today – our merchant consultants can help you understand the what, why and how then find you the best solution so your business can start...